CleanBold® Magic Eraser is made up of melamine foam having 3-dimentional (3D structure) nano fibres produced with a patented technology. It can easily remove all kinds of dirt like a micro vacuum cleaner by just using water.

The microfibres of a CleanBold® Magic Eraser sponge are 10,000 times finer than a human hair. These tiny fibres create millions of pockets to pick up and hold dirt, stains and grime - which is what makes it more effective than traditional sponges. The fibres themselves are 10 times stronger than steel, which allows it to remove even the most stubborn marks.
A normal sponge is much less compressed, so in order to clean and remove dirt and stain, you always need to use powerful detergents or other cleaning agents such as sprays, scouring products and bleach products.

Just soak with water, take out excess water by putting it between the palms rather than wringing or twisting the pad. Then scrub on the surface in circular motion. Gentle scrubbing makes cleaning easy and less physically demanding.

The Magic Eraser is designed to compress and break down as it's used, like a pencil eraser. It can leave behind small pieces of residue, just as a pencil eraser does. How long the product lasts depends on how many times you use it and how rough the surfaces you use it on are. Smoother the surface, longer it can be used and vice versa. It also depends on the amount of dirt, grime or stain marks on the surface. Initial usage may be more due to high level of dirt or grime.

Once combined with water, the 3d nano fibre structure of CleanBold® Magic Eraser becomes super absorbent and strong. Each of the nano fibres are 10000 times finer than human hair and when it gets in contact with water, it becomes 10X stronger than steel. The micro fibres or nano fibres of the sponge goes in to the micro grooves of the surface to provide high performance hence gentle scrubbing is all that is required.

No, not at all. All you need is a little bit of water.

It is absolutely safe to use. Please read the warning and attention statement given on the website.

  • Not recommended for the following surfaces: polished wood, high gloss, rubber, fabric, dark, brushed, satin, faux, copper, stainless steel utensils, non-stick coating, vehicle body or surfaces damaged by chemical reaction.
  • Avoid using on surfaces such as textile, carpets, and clothing.
  • Care should be taken when using on glossy plastic surfaces and lightly painted plaster walls as it may dull the appearance of these surfaces.
  • Avoid surfaces that are very greasy. Grease deposited in CleanBold® Magic Eraser will clog the very structure that gives Magic Eraser its cleaning power. If this occurs simply cut out the portion of Magic Eraser that is clogged with grease and reuse.
  • Graffiti sprayed on external brickwork, concrete may need to be removed using specialist labour and chemicals.

It can clean almost all types of surfaces except for polished wooden, fabric, rubber, high glossy areas.

However, we still advice to test first on well lit, inconspicuous spot with light pressure. Let the spot dry to check for any discolouration or changes.

Please make sure that it is slightly moistened only (not dripping any water) like when using on switch boards, printers, peripherals etc. Use dry clean cloth to wipe the surface with any left-over water.

It does not require any chemical or detergents!

Yes of course! No chemicals, detergent, goggles, masks, respirators, gloves and other scrubbing tools required. Once implemented, surfaces cleaned will become easier to clean and stay cleaner for longer

  • Gentle scrubbing is recommended at all times. Gradually increase pressure if stains are more resistant.
  • Use even pressure to apply sponge to surface.
  • Can be simply cut it with the help of knife according to your need for small or greasy areas, reducing wastage
  • Avoid using it on surfaces that are very rough or uneven such as bricks, rough concrete, textured walls.
  • Avoid using it with corrosive chemicals such as bleach, acid.
  • Use and re-use until it becomes too thin! It will continue to work until then.
  • It is recommended to use warm water for cleaning greasy and oily surface for better results.

The beauty of the product lies in its ability to clean effectively without the use of chemicals. As such the only protective gear likely used are gloves for protection against dirt and grime removed and the dehydrating effect of prolonged exposure to water.

Keep it out of young children, infants' and pets' reach as these may accidentally ingest Magic Eraser. Magic Eraser is not hazardous to touch. Again, care should be exercised as pets may ingest broken bits.

User Guides

  • Magic Eraser can be cut into suitable sizes with a knife.
  • Completely soak Magic Eraser with water and squeeze out any excess water by putting it between the palms rather than wringing or twisting the pad (Never use it with any chemicals or completely dry.)
  • Gently scrub Magic Eraser on surfaces and dry surface after cleaning. (Gentle scrubbing prolongs the life of Magic Eraser, gradually apply more pressure if dirt or stains are resistant.)
  • Rinse Magic Eraser with water regularly to remove grime trapped.
  • Thoroughly squeeze dry Magic Eraser and store for reuse in the future.
  • Use and reuse Magic Eraser until it completely diminishes.


  • Test on a small area with light pressure before use. Let the spot dry to see if it is discoloured, modified or changed. Not recommended for the following surfaces: polished wood, high gloss, rubber, fabric, dark, brushed, satin, faux, copper, stainless steel utensils, non-stick coating, vehicle body or surfaces damaged by chemical reaction.
  • Use carefully on sharp edges.
  • Rinse surfaces which are in direct contact with food
  • Do not use it with chlorine bleach
  • Use warm water for kitchen grease. Not suitable for heavy grease stains
  • Heavy scrubbing or use on rough surfaces will shorten its life.
  • The Magic Eraser is designed to compress and break down as it's used, like a pencil eraser.


  • Do not use it on skin or on any part of the human body and animals
  • Keep safely out of reach of toddlers, infants, young children and pets to avoid accidental ingestion.
  • Do not ingest
  • Utmost care to be taken while using it on electrical appliances due to water.